About Us
Thanks for finding us! We are Abi and Patti. When we’re not on the road, our home base is in the state of Maryland. Here’s a little about our story, and our travel adventures, while embracing full time retirement.

Two Careers
In 2011, after 30+ years of living/working in San Jose, CA, we retired from our careers. We’ve each had two careers, Abi in local government and Patti in education, but the foundation career for both of us was hospitality. We owned and operated a French Restaurant and Patti worked in the hotel industry.
After retiring from our careers, and with our background in hospitality, we packed up and moved 15 miles north of the CA/OR border to Ashland, OR. We bought an amazing 107-year-old house, which was (is) a Bed & Breakfast Inn, and took on the challenge of restoring the house and re-branding the B&B. It was a true labor of love and the lifestyle of an innkeeper is like no other.

Big Bold Changes
Although we had a 10-year plan for our life in Ashland, in 2014, just 3 1/2 years in to our lives as innkeepers, the universe presented us with an opportunity to make perhaps the biggest and boldest change to date. We sold our inn, downsized our possessions even further and packed what was left into a 16′ big yellow truck, and drove across America; landing in the state of Maryland. We’ve chosen Maryland as our home base primarily to live near our son, daughter-in-law and grandson.
Traveling Through Life
We’ve been traveling through life together for 45+ years embracing each new chapter and each new adventure with open minds. Our travels have taken us to four continents – North America, Europe, Australia and Asia – and to date we’ve traveled to 20 countries.
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Iran, Mexico, New Zealand, Portugal, Scotland, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and The Netherlands.
Adventures Abroad
We walked 350 miles across Spain in 2015 following the Camino de Santiago, which was by far the most challenging – both mentally and physically – travel experience to date, but it was also all kinds of fabulous. Four years later we walked 145 miles on the Camino Portuguese from Porto to Santiago. There is no better way to experience a country than to walk across it.
There are so many more travel destinations awaiting us. We feel as if we’ve just scratched the European surface. Portugal is one of our favorite countries, so much so that we lived in Porto for three months and we maintain our Portuguese residency. Patti has applied for Portuguese citizenship as she is one-half Portuguese. The City of Porto is our favorite city in the world… so far.
On the Road
We’ve driven across the United States a total of four times and each time we gleaned a great deal of insight. The US is massive and as such there are a multitude of dialects, cultures and beliefs to experience as one travels from state to state. To date, we’ve traveled to 47 of the 50 states. We really need to get to those elusive three states, Alaska, Iowa and North Dakota.
And, that’s the gist of our story. Thanks again for finding us and we hope you’ll travel along as we continue to explore the world One Road at a Time, while continuing to redefine retirement.
Stumbled on your most interesting travel blog after researching travel itineraries for our upcoming trip to France and have now subscribed to your Instagram and YouTube sites. Your 7 days in Dijon was very helpful as we leave in October for France and will be spending 5 days in that city. From there we go by train to Strasbourg; again for 5 days. We wondered if you have any travel tips for that area? Your travel journeys look and sound so very fun and interesting. Thanks for sharing!
Hello Bev ~ thank you for your kind comment and I’m glad you found our content helpful. Unfortunately, no we haven’t yet been to Strasbourg. We haven’t spent nearly enough time in France. Thank you for subscribing to our channel and IG. Feel free to reach out with any other questions and safe travels!
Just discovered your blog. Looks awesome! We are from the Bay area as well. Now living in Boquete, Panama and based here for our South American travels.
John and Susan
Hello John and Susan. Thanks so much for stopping by and saying hello. I’m heading over to say hello to you at Latitudeadjustment and wishing you continued safe travels.
You are doing about the same thing we are! We’ve been retired and traveling since June/2015 and we love it. It is going to be fun following each other and maybe meeting up sometime.
Thanks for finding us, Sher. It’s nice to meet you and I look forward to following your journey.
I loved coming across your blog!! Lots of fun reading your adventures.
Thanks for finding us, Tricia!
Hi Patti,
I am writing to ask your permission to use your photos of Fort Laramie for a project I am working on through Western Wyoming Community College. I really appreciate your help and thanks so much in advance:)!!
You’re welcome, Jennifer.
What a great story! I live in Portland and have been to Ashland but never often enough. I always say to my husband “we could live here” when we visit. I seem to say that quite a lot which is why we’re gearing up to become backpack and rollie retirees in the very near future. Hitting the road to wherever as long as the Fates allow.

Nancy Thompson recently posted…Homemade Chinese Dumplings ~ they’re what’s for dinner
Thanks for stopping by Nancy! And we, hopefully, won’t be too far behind you on the road.
I just love your blog and the Inn and travel tales. What luck to have known when to pull the plug and head for new adventures. Abagail’s in of itself is a book! We envy you with all the past adventures and all the new ones to come! We be coming up your way soon so hopefully we can get together for lunch or dinner before your big season starts! Give my love to Abi! My total favorite guy at the RDA and continuing on!

Kathleen Keith recently posted…Do You Know The Value of a Social Media Manager?
Hey Kathleen ~ Thank you for the kind words and we’d love to connect – soon!
Great idea for a business, we are also thinking of opening a hostel in a couple of years

Lovely blog, guys! Thanks for connecting with us on Twitter! Keep up the great work and travel safe!
Hitch-Hikers Handbook recently posted…18 Facts about Christmas traditions in Poland
Thanks so much for finding us – it’s great to connect with you as well and good luck with the future plans for a hostel.
Patti, it is so nice to meet you. Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I’m really looking forward to read your posts and follow your journey!

Rita @ The Crafty Expat recently posted…New app addiction: Bitstrips
It’s nice to meet you as well, Rita. Looking forward to following!
Hi, Nice history and when you decide is time to road in Argentina, you hava a house where stop in the Middle of our contry. We are a travel familly and we love histories like your. Keep in touch, nice blog. Regards
Hello Chetoba! Thank you finding us – if we find ourselves in Argentina we will definitely stop!
Patti, you should write a book about the people you’ve met at the Inn. It would be great!
Kim ~ If I had a $1 for every time I said to myself, “I should write a book” I’d be a wealthy woman! :o)
Dear Patti,
You have very much impressive blog, we like it very much. Dreaming to explore Nepal Himalaya ?? You are inviting to explore Nepal Himalaya with us. Visit our website for the further in details. If you have any questions, do let us know. for the further information http://www.gokyotrekking.com.np , http://www.gokyotreks.com.np (Deutsch) and http://www.ammarguni.com.np
Thank you and welcome to see you in Nepal.
With best regards,
Ammar Raj Guni
Thank you for your invitation, maybe one day I’ll be able to accept! Thanks for reading!
You have been nominated for the Super sweet blogging award
How fun! Thank you Natasha, I’m on it!
Inspiring story! There is no time like now! Wishing you happiness and fulfillment in your journey!
Thank you for finding us! Safe travels to you.
What a neat story you guys! It’s very much along the lines of what we think we might want to do one day, starting with moving to Portland, maybe opening a B&B, etc. I’m excited to read your blog and catch up on your adventures! We’ll have to swing by and see you guys when we’re in Oregon!
Maria and Skyler
So nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by! You are living one of my dreams, the ultimate road trip! Please do stop in if you find yourself in Ashland!
Simply inspiring. Optimism keeps us alive. Congratulations Patty, keep it up!!!
Thank you! And I’m glad we’ve connected!
Hi Patti & Abi,
I am so glad you reached out Patti and that we have connected! I love your story and the “one road at a time” approach. We seem to be kindred spirits as far as creating a major new beginning after decades on one particular path. It takes guts to shake it up and really dare to reinvent yourself but it is so rewarding! While I admire people who take that to such an extent that they embark on circumnavigating the globe, like you, I focus on one particular journey at a time and then love coming home to “process” it and share what Ive learned with others! Look forward to staying in touch! Meg
Hi Meg ~
Thanks so much for the message, it is a pleasure to connect with you as well. I have been following your blog and look forward to reading/learning more! I have so many plans not only for traveling but for the growth of the blog and we definitely have similar paths for our blogs! Sadly… patience has never been my best asset, not even in the running. I seem to be keenly aware of the phrase, “Life is short” now more than ever and so it is an exercise in patience with me every day. Some days are better than others! Okay, really, I suck when it comes to patience!
I just love this whole idea and it is so fun to read about your journeys. I really enjoyed your trip across the country last time. I will keep reading! Gotta take one road at a time right to my house. Lot’s of great history and wonderful sights to behold here in this beautiful state. Have fun and keep on writing (and truckin’).
Thanks for following! One of these days we’ll take the road to you. :o)