
Lagos, Portugal.  A beautiful seaside destination where all things summer come to life.  It’s been the ideal respite as we start this next chapter – the expat experiment.  And, while our visas took longer to get our hands on than we anticipated, it all worked out for the best.  I always say, life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.  Actually, it was Allen Saunders who coined the phrase, but I borrow it a lot.  I hope he doesn’t mind.

Eight Days in Lagos

Eight days in Lagos was just what the proverbial doctor ordered.  We enjoyed the hospitality of lovely hosts who graciously just let us be in the moment.  Our week was spent the week taking long (very long) walks and I’m fairly certain we’ve walked the better part of Lagos.

Much of our time was spent at a cafe where we sampled the local pastries and watched the people come and go – especially four elderly women who came every day to meet and sip espresso. And, we had our favorite spot in the shade on the waterfront promenade.

These four women would meet and chat every morning, sip their espresso, eat a custard tart and sit for hours. Okay, so I guess you now know how often we were in the same cafe.
On to Lisbon

As I write this, we’ll be up bright and OH so early tomorrow morning to catch a train to Lisbon where we will spend three days exploring the city.  From Lisbon, we’ll fly to Brussels where we’ll spend five nights and THEN, if the stars align, we’ll set off to ride the rails with Eurail for eight weeks.

Highlights of Lagos

Here’s a look at some of the highlights of our eight days in Lagos.  Wait.  Can one have highlights when one has done so little for eight days?  You be the judge.

The historic wall that surrounds Lagos. We walked by this spot nearly every day and we never tired of seeing it.
Lovely, right? The Santa Maria Church is on the left and just on the side of it there is a small museum which leads to the Chapel of St. Anthony and albeit small, this chapel is gilded beyond words. No photos allowed but trust me, it’s stunning!
This may seem like an odd shot of a man’s back, but I wanted to show you the view from our favorite bench on the waterfront promenade. We sat on our bench more than once to listen to this sweet man play his music.
Ponta da Piedade
These are the stairs at Ponta da Piedade. There are 195, Abi counted. We went down all 195 and then back up all 195.
Jacaranda Trees
Lagos is all about the sidewalk cafe. The dark stones are where cars are allowed to drive, the beige stones are the sidewalks; definitely blurred lines at all times. The Jacaranda Trees are stunning!
We loved this little cafe, Kohinoor, best Indian food! We ate there twice.
Sagress Fortress
Here we are at the end of the European continent – or at the beginning depending on how you look at it – holding on for dear life against the gale force winds. At the Sagress Fortress.
Life in Lagos
You’re probably thinking, why is she posting a photo of a bathroom? If you’re from the US you know there’s a lot of talk going on about bathroom laws, ridiculously so. Europe has it down. One man, one woman, a common sink area. It’s just not a big deal and there are many in the US who could take a lesson.
Eggs, a.k.a. ovos, are sold on the shelf. Not refrigerated. Apparently, they know something we don’t know, but I know a health inspector in Oregon who would have fined us big time if we had eggs out of the refrigerator when we had our Bed & Breakfast.
When traveling, it’s important to learn the local language. This, my friends, is a Bola de Berlim (Portuguese doughnut) and it’s all kinds of delicious.
What better way to end eight days in Lagos than with a walk on the beach?
Lovely Lagos

So what do you think?  A few pretty good highlights, right?  I think we did good since we actually did very little. It’s been a good stay in lovely Lagos.  But, all good things must come to an end and enough of this lolly gagging around.  We’ve flicked the brain switch to travel mode and now it’s time to go!

To Learn More:

Lagos, Portugal

The Fortress at Sagress

Ponta da Piedade

Igreja de Santo Antonio

Jacaranda Trees

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