Making our way toward Galicia, we walked from Vega de Valcarce to O Cebriero on a soggy sodden muckity mucked trail. Up and up and up we climbed, for hours.  Horses use this section of the trail.  Do I need to say more?  The redeeming grace was the gift of spectacular views.


The Howling Wind

I find myself now void of appropriate adjectives to describe what we see as we walk the Camino de Santiago.  I fear my camera did not capture the depth of the wonders that surrounded us.  Today, I decided that those who live on mountain tops, in Spain, must be a sturdy breed of people. The howling wind! The constant drizzle! Their endurance, however, is rewarded with views that take your breath away and a lifestyle I can only imagine.

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Stepping in to Galicia

We reached the summit at 4,430′ and found ourselves stepping into Galicia.  We reached O Cebriero and learned we needed to take a detour of about 2 1/2 miles, away from the Camino de Santiago, to reach our accommodations in Piedrifita. Bah! The highway was the only way and I wasn’t looking forward to walking along the shoulder of a twisty mountain road with cars swooshing by.


The Kindness of Strangers

Abi was quite a bit ahead of me when a car stopped near him.  Next thing I knew this wonderfully kind man was giving us a ride to Piedrifita.  The kindness of strangers.  We didn’t get his name, he didn’t speak English, but we understood each other just the same. Muchas Gracias didn’t seem adequate but it’s all we could offer.

There is a saying, the Camino de Santiago will provide, and I believe it to be true.  The sweet hotel owner who kidnapped us, the nuns who gave us a peaceful place to sleep and the gift of a ride from a kind stranger, all lasting memories from the Camino.


What a gift we’ve given ourselves.  If we take nothing else away from this experience, being reminded of the good in people has made it all worthwhile.  Buen Camino.

May 7 & 8

Days 26 & 27

We walked 18.5 miles

Highest elevation:  4,430′

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