
The best testimonial I can offer about visiting Vermont, in the autumn, is that I’m already planning our next visit. That’s how much we enjoyed ourselves. Heck, I’m betting Vermont is beautiful pretty much year round, but there is just something amazing special about autumn.  Maybe because it’s my absolute favorite time of the year, or maybe because it’s the glorious colors of the fall foliage, or maybe because it’s just Vermont.

Colorful Vermont

Whatever the reason, it’s a wonderful way to jump start autumn and all that comes with it.  You know… falling leaves, favorite sweaters, hot chocolate, long walks in the cool crisp air, sitting in front of a fire toasting marshmallows while dreaming of simpler times; I think that’s what Vermont conjures up.  Whew!  That’s a lot of pressure for such a small state!

Not just gold and red, but hues of lavender and green dot the landscape as well.

We came home with a map of Vermont on which all of the highlights are listed and I will use said map to plot the course of our return. And, now that we know, on our return visit we will extend our stay to more thoroughly explore the state. We definitely did not allow enough days on our recent trip, but we won’t make the same mistake twice.

If you’re headed for Vermont, get this map.  Photo credit:
Driving the Back Roads

Of course the state of Vermont has fast-moving highways on which you can travel quickly from point a to point b, but we highly recommend driving the back roads. It’s the ideal way to just take it all in.  It’s like driving through the pages of a Norman Rockwell coffee table book.  Vermont is classic Americana.

The picture perfect farms, forested hills covered in golden hues and the quaint villages seemingly dotted throughout the state are a party for the senses. Actually, we were probably a week early and will adjust accordingly next season to get the full bounty of Vermont’s color.

In our efforts to find a specific turn off, while driving the back roads, we found ourselves on this peaceful 2-lane road where there were no other cars.  We slowed down to a crawl and filmed this pretty country road.

Picture Perfect Moments

The only downfall for us was the weather, we just couldn’t seem to escape the gray gloomy days, and the occasional rain which didn’t make for the best photo ops, but somehow it didn’t matter.  We just kept going and embraced the gloomy gray sky as part of the season.  Every so often we’d see a house with a chimney and a swirl of smoke drifting upward, or a rickety bridge hiding among the trees, and it all just made for picture perfect moments.

A rickety bridge hiding among the trees.

Speaking of picture perfect moments, here are a few of our favorites.

Near the Taftsville Covered Bridge.
The Woodstock Middle Bridge.
The Ottuquechee River as seen from the Woodstock Middle Bridge.
There was just something about this little cluster of trees that spoke to me.  I think it was the Aspen in front and bending to the right. 
I know, right?!
This is the view from the top of Bennington Battle Memorial. The sun finally came out on the day we left. Of course it did.

Autumn in Vermont.  I’m pretty sure there’s no where else like it.  Well, maybe New Hampshire since it’s right next door.

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