Just shy of one mile in length, The Berlin Wall East Side Gallery has 100 murals. It is an open air gallery of art and history.  I don’t think a visit to Berlin is complete without seeing this section of the Berlin Wall.

A Continual Work in Progress

Construction of the wall was completed in 1961.  Twenty-eight years later, in 1989, the wall came down.  As the demolition of the wall began, artists from around the world arrived in Berlin. They began to paint murals on the east side of the wall.  One year later it became a protected memorial.  It is a work in progress to continually preserve the paintings.

The East Side Gallery

We slowly walked alongside the wall, taking photo after photo trying to capture each moment and thinking about what message the artist was trying to convey.  Some of the murals are pretty crazy and some have sadly been covered with graffiti, but overall the impact is powerful.  The historical significance of standing on the sidewalk looking at a collection of murals, painted on the east side of the Berlin Wall, was definitely a moment in time.

Find the Message

Here are twenty-four of our favorite murals.  Look closely at each mural and find the message.  Which one(s) speaks to you?

east side gallery
The Berlin Wall

For a bit of perspective here is a photo of the Berlin Wall with the infamous death strip in front of it.

east side gallery
The area in front of the Berlin Wall was called the death strip.

To learn more about the Berlin Wall:

Berlin Wall Fast Facts – CNN

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